Name: Lobsang Khedup Dongretsang
(Alias: No)
Gender: Male
Interview Age: 74
Date of Birth: 1939
Birthplace: Chamdul, Kham, Tibet
Year Left Tibet: 1959
Profession: N/A
Monk/Nun: Previously
Political Prisoner: Yes

Interview No.: 12C
Date: 2013-07-06
Language: Tibetan
Location: Portland, Oregon, United States
Categories: Culture and History
Keywords: childhood memories, Chinese -- first appearance of, education, escape experiences, Kham, refugee in India -- life as, Tibetan Government-in-exile
Lobsang Khedup Dongretsang was born in Chamdul in the Dayab region of Kham. His family worked as farmers and as a child he studied at home with a tutor since there were no schools then. He shares his experience about the appearance of the Chinese in his region and of his home being turned into the residence of the Chinese Governor General in Dayab.
Lobsang Khedup reveals how a junior Chinese officer warned his family about the danger of the Communist Government and advised the family to leave for Lhasa. In Lhasa Lobsang Khedup joined the Ratoe Monastery and studied Buddhist philosophy. His father was ultimately captured and imprisoned by the Chinese on a return trip to the village to prepare for escape to India.
Lobsang Khedup describes the arduous journey to India he and other Tibetans undertook crossing snowy mountains. While in India, he was requested by the Tibetan government-in-exile to join an academy which was training government workers. He then had a long tenure of service with the Tibetan exile administration in various capacities until 2005. He felt that all the government workers were extremely dedicated and felt fear when His Holiness the Dalai Lama frequently came to inspect their work.
Interview Team:
- Marcella Adamski (Interviewer)
- Jeddadiah Emanuel (Videographer)
- Sonam Ngodup (Interpreter)